Ars-Nova Coaching
A Mental Fitness Coach
Life coaching to help you achieve your goals with a strong mindset.
Specializing in helping the Latine community, Veterans, Students in the Medical Field, and Physicians.
PQ Fitness Program
Mental Fitness:
Your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with positive rather than negative mindset
•Peak performance
•Peace of mind/wellness
•Healthy relationships
2022 Shirzad Chamine and Positive Intelligence, Inc.
Rooted in Research
Approaching mindset through this mental fitness program is based off of years of research by Shirzad Chamine working with multiple groups of people including CEOs, Stanford University students, across multiple countries, and athletes.
Irrespective of cultural nuances between groups, Mental Fitness works!
Interested in reading more?
2022 Shirzad Chamine and Positive Intelligence, Inc.

Results from Coaching:
Re-engage in boundaries to keep you whole
Improved communication in all facets of your life
Showing up the way you want in all facets of your life
Inner peace
Improved performance at work and at home
Asking for what you need.
Improved quality of life
And more…..
Coaching is amazing. Life changing. Eye opening.
It’s the same as hiring a basketball, golf, or running coach. It’s having someone watch what I do and then help me see ways to improve my technique and reach my goal. I realize I have the answers with me already.
Just like UFC fighters, NFL players, NBA players, NCAA players have coaches to help then reach their full potential, a life coach does just that. Imagine your life after investing time in yourself, just like professional athletes do.
It starts with the now.
Life coaching begins by asking questions about your situation now. Your thoughts now.
Coaches get curious.
Learn about our services
1:1 life coaching at the frequency that works for you
Use of the Positive Intelligence app, weekly groups and check in
Dynamic speaking on mental fitness, strategies in cultivating a mindset to work toward any goal.
Interested in learning more about
mental fitness?
For a free initial session: